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Turning a HTML element into a jQuery Mobile button

For an element to be transformed into a button, use the button () method on the HTML element.

Using the button () method

<!DOCTYPE html>



  <meta name=viewport content="user-scalable=no,width=device-width" />

  <link rel=stylesheet href=jquery.mobile/jquery.mobile.css />

  <script src=jquery.js></script>

  <script src=jquery.mobile/jquery.mobile.js></script>



<div data-role=page id=home>

  <div data-role=header>



  <div data-role=content>

    <p> Window content </p>  






var html = "";

html += "<a id=btn href=#>";

html +=     "Click the button";

html += "</a>";

$("#home div:jqmData(role=content)").append (html);

$("#home").bind ("pagecreate", function ()

  $("#btn").button ();



Note that the window is expected to be created to transform the link into button (pagecreate event). However, in the case of buttons, it is not necessary, unlike the lists that we have previously studied. But for the sake of thoroughness, we try to write similar code in both cases ...

