Software Estimation Memo
Size, Effort Cost, Schedule, Staffing
- Productivity (Size/Efforts)
- Defect Density (Defects/size)
- Effort = Size/Productivity
- Productivity
: 비슷한 productivity Values 참조, 이전 프로젝트 참조
: Organization productivity 참조 (PPB)
: Industry Productivity Rate
- Product Size : Cost and Effort -> Schedule -> Risk Assessment
- KLOC : Kilo Lines of Code
- FP : Function Points
- WBS : Work Breakdown Structure
- Estimation Model
: Dev FP ; Enh FP : KLOC (Technology Centric Development)
: Large FP > 1500 Pday : DE Model (DE Point) -> WBS concept (Agile
Development and Enhancement Projects
- MR (Micro) < 4Pds, Minor 4~15 ; Major > 15
Data Function
- EIF : External Interface Files - Application 에만 참고 되고
Maintained 되지는 않음
- ILF : Internal Logical Files - Application 에 의해
Maintained 되는 파일들
Transactional Functions
- EI : External Inputs - 1개 이상의 ILE를
Maintain 하기 위함
- EO : External Outputs - 사용자에게 정보를 주기 위한 것 (로직의 결과물)
- EQ : External Inquiries - 사용자에게 정보를 주기 위한 것 (데이터 수정 후 제공)
- VAF : Value Adjustment Factor
- GSCs : General System Characteristics
- Large FP
: Sub Application 들이 있음
: Sub System Level FP counting
: Development Project with less Functional Scope
: Reengineering. Migration Projects
: Technology Centric Development
- DE Model
: Development and Enhancements Projects (FP/KLOC or DE Size Unit)
Home Grown WBS concepts
* Maintenance Estimation Models
- FTE (Full Time Equivalences) - Maintenance and Prod. Support
- CP (Maint Model) : Small Maintenance : Micro MPs, GUI based. Use Post Data
- MR GUI : GUI Based Maintenance Request, Minor and Major MRs
- MR NGUI : Non GUI Based Maintenance Request, Minor and Major MRs
- PPM : Micro MRs and Production Support
* Test Estimation Methods
- Testable items (Manual Testing Method) : TC
- Test Automation
- RET : Recorded Element Type
- DET : Data Element Type. A unique user recognizable, non-repeated field
- FTR : File Type Reference. A FTR is ILF maintained, and EIF referenced
- DFP = (FP + CFP) * VAI
DFP : Development Project FP counting
FP : Adjusted FP Count for functions available after installation
CFP : Conversion Unadjusted FP counting
VAF : Value Adjustment Factor
- EFP = [(ADD+(HGA+CFP) * VAFA] + (DEL * VAFB)
EFP : Enhancement Project FP Count
ADD : Adjusted FP of functions added
CHGA : Adjusted FP of functions changed
CFP : Conversion adjusted FP counting
VAFA : VAF of application after completion of enhancement project
DEL : Adjusted FP of functions deleted
VAFB : VAF of application before commencement of enhancement project
- 14 General System Characteristics
1. Data Communications
2. Distributed Data Processing
3. Performance
4. Heavily Used Configuration
5. Transaction Rate
6. Online Data Entry
7. End-User Efficiency
8. Online Update
9. Complex Processing
10. Reusability
11. Installation Ease
12. Operational Ease
13. Multiple Sites
14. Facilitate Change
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