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버섯을 채취하러 다니면서 가끔 안장버섯을 보게 된다.

한 11월 들어서면서 부터 보인것 같다.


이 버섯 사진을 페이스북 동호회에 올리면 먹을수 있다, 먹을 수 없다 가지고 가끔 논쟁이 붙는다.


그래서 자세히 알아보려고 구글링을 했다.


논쟁이 있는 버섯은 Helvella lacunosa로 북미의 동부와 유럽에서 주로 발견되는 버섯이다.

이곳 워싱턴 주는 서부이니까 여기서 따는 안장버섯은 먹어도 될 것 같다.


하지만 예닐곱개 되는 안장버섯 중에는 독성이 있어서 먹지 말라는 버섯들이 꽤 있었다.


이 버섯은 굳이 먹을 필요는 없을 것 같다.


한국 자료를 찾아보면 다 식용으로 표시돼 있기는 하지만....


조사한 내용을 유튜브 클립으로 만들어 봤다.



Helvellaceae (Elfin Saddle) Family members


Helvella lacunosa : This species is eaten and regarded highly by some after cooking, though the stems are not eaten. Lightfoot regarded it as edible in 1777, and several guidebooks list it as edible, yet this genus is now regarded with suspicion due to the presence of toxic compounds in several related species. It has been reported to cause gastrointestinal symptoms when eaten raw. Roger Phillips calls it "edible but not worthwhile"


Helvella vespertina : It is found in Western North America under conifers. Some specimens have a white moldy appearance, having been colonised by the parasitic Ascomycete fungus Hypomyces cervinigenus


Helvella dryophila : It is found in western North America, where it associates with oak.


Gyromitra infula : G. infula is considered inedible as it contains the toxic compound gyromitrin, which, when metabolized by the body, is converted into monomethylhydrazine, a component of some rocket fuels. The toxin may be removed by thorough cooking. Gyromitra fungi are included in the informal category "false morels".


Helvella elastica : It is found in Asia, Europe, and North America. It has a roughly saddle-shaped yellow-brown cap atop a whitish stipe, and grows on soil in woods. Another colloquial name is the brown elfin saddle. Consumption of this fungus is not recommended as similar species in the family Helvellaceae contain the toxin gyromitrin.


Helvella crispa : The mushroom is readily identified by its irregularly shaped whitish cap, fluted stem, and fuzzy undersurfaces. It is found in eastern North America and in Europe, near deciduous trees in summer and autumn. Although some guidebooks list this species as edible, research has established it contains monomethylhydrazine, which can cause severe sporadic intoxications, and may be carcinogenic.[citation needed] It has been reported to cause gastrointestinal symptoms when eaten raw.

