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개발자로서 현장에서 일하면서 새로 접하는 기술들이나 알게된 정보 등을 정리하기 위한 블로그입니다. 운 좋게 미국에서 큰 회사들의 프로젝트에서 컬설턴트로 일하고 있어서 새로운 기술들을 접할 기회가 많이 있습니다. 미국의 IT 프로젝트에서 사용되는 툴들에 대해 많은 분들과 정보를 공유하고 싶습니다.

최근에 올라온 글

최근에 달린 댓글

최근에 받은 트랙백

글 보관함



얼마 전 와이프가 산에서 따온 버섯을 먹고 배탈이 난 적이 있다.

아마 덜 익혀서 그런 것 같기도 하고...

아니면 평소에 위가 안 좋아서 그랬던 것 같기도 하고......


페이스북 평소 가입 돼 있었던 버섯 관련 그룹들에 에 문의를 했더니 많은 댓글들이 올라 왔다.


그 글들을 좀 정리를 해 봤다.


Facebook Replies


I have had a similar reaction 1 time and 1 time only after eating lobster mushrooms.  I have eaten them since and many times before and have not had issues.  I don’t know what caused it.  My partner ate the same mushrooms and was just fine.  I know I have sensitivity to some mushroom species (like elfin saddles) so it may have been the host mushroom for the ascomycete (sp) was something other than Russula Brevipes and that affected me 🤷🏼‍♀️ totally unsure but you are not alone


Exactly my reaction to honeys. I've since not been able to eat any mushrooms, wild or cultivated, without the same adverse reaction. The pain was so excruciating I fainted.


Unfortunately, I have that reaction to morels. I ate them fine as a kid, but now they make me violently ill. So of course, I get stuck cooking mushrooms I love but can't eat. 😒😅


IDs are correct but that doesn't mean they aren't the cause. Could of had a spoiled mushroom or potentially she has an adverse/allergic reaction to them. Even a safe mushroom isn't safe for everyone same goes for all food.


i’ve also heard some folks get tummy ache from chanterelles too


Symptoms don't match what I'd expect from either of these species.

Some people have an adverse reaction to some wild mushrooms, but if she's eaten these before without issues I'd get to a doctor quickly. It could also be a host of other issues that need prompt attention.


There are many cases of people having adverse effects to edible mushrooms. Low stomach release of the enzyme trehalase for example. Please seek medical help.


Campylobacter Jejuni (from raw chicken or pork) has these symptoms.  I know from experience.  Was meat cooked with the mushrooms?


Changsoo Park  "People can get Campylobacter infection by eating raw or undercooked poultry or eating something that touched it. They can also get it from eating other foods, including seafood, meat, and produce, by contact with animals, and by drinking untreated water.".


I have the same reaction to Chanterelles. I ate them for years with no ill effects then one day I thought I was going to die and it’s been that way ever since. I can still eat all other varieties just not Chanterelle’s. Hope she is better soon!


If I don’t cook them for a very long time (12-15) minutes I will be up with the sh*ts for hours. Similar for my spouse. Pretty scary the first time it happens. Which makes it feel worse. Note: mushrooms contain chitin which must be cooked to be digested by humans. Some humans digest it better than others.


If I don’t cook some kinds super well, morels for sure, it can suck. 


I know a couple people who suddenly became ill affected by wild mushrooms after eating them for years. One was Chanterelles.


Shaun Hulsizer I got this as a kid after eating mushrooms almost daily for years. Wasn’t until recently that I can eat mushrooms again. Still can’t eat certain ones without heart burn and nausea


Tiffany Olsen Yes a friend of mine I used to trade I would pick mushrooms for them and they give me other veggies and different things in trade and one day she got sick after eating Chanterelles her whole life she wasn’t sure what it was so she tried again and sure enough got sick again so she doesn’t eat them anymore


In our house, I ate lobster with my husband the first time we found them. Super delicious! 

The next season we were excited to eat them again... BUT I am now allergic even though I heroically tried to eat three different geo locations in hopes that I would get not get sick, again... 

No luck. I cannot eat lobster mushrooms anymore. I would bet this is the case for your wife.


Those are 100% lobsters and chanterelles. Is there a possibility you may have undercooked them? My mom has had a similar reaction to undercooked chants


If she drank any type of alcohol. There is a high rate of people who have adverse effects from drinking alcohol and eating wild mushrooms.

The symptoms you described are very similar with the alcohol mixed with mushrooms.


Possible the mix of both mushrooms or alcohol. Lobster can bother some folks


Anecdotal evidence: 

When I was in Maine visiting family in September, we found many lobsters (mushrooms). It was my first experience with them. I ate way too much and had GI issues for three days. I totally overindulged and paid for it.


Agreed with the above comment, but in your pictures and video, the species ingested were correctly identified. She could have had an individual bad reaction to the mushrooms, had too many if it was the first time, or it could be something completely unrelated. But the mushroom IDs are correct and they are edible species which are safe for most people.


I have a friend that can eat chanterelles except whites (C. subalbidus).


Chanterelle mushrooms make me sick, too. Same happened to a friend of mine as well. Neither of us can eat them anymore.


Agree that IDs look correct. Lobster mushrooms can also cause reactions and stomach upset in individuals so don’t rule out either species as the possible cause.


Never munch on a hunch.


Some people aren’t able to tolerate mushrooms that are completely edible for most people. Has she ever had chanterelles and lobster mushrooms before?  (Also could have been something else she was exposed to and totally unrelated to the mushrooms.)


Mushroom in the first video does look like a chanterelle, though not 100% ID'able from the video alone. Not sure about the other vids (I don't think hedgehogs, they don't really look like spines underneath), but whatever they are, they are kind of decrepit.

More people are sickened by the bacteria on undercooked mushrooms than by toxic mushrooms. Did you cook the thoroughly before consuming?



Over the years I have read lobster mushroom cause stomach issues in some.


If it was the mushrooms then you’d most likely have the same symptoms crop up. How are you feeling?


How is she doing today? Did you cook the mushrooms? The last two times I ate Lion's Mane I had abdominal pain and squeezing and nausea even though they were safely grown and ID'd.


I’ve been a chef for a long time and not only cooked and served these mushrooms under about any conditions possible, lobster and chanterelle mushrooms shouldn’t really give any discomfort to the eater. My guess is that there was some other sort of contamination involved. Time and temperature would be my first guesses and not properly cleaning the veggies can also add problems. But if done properly there shouldn’t be any issues.


So if it was chanterelles and lobster mushrooms they are both edible raw (at least Russula brevipes I’m unsure if the Hypomyces infecting them is different). So undercooking likely isn’t the issue unless there was some contamination of them like bacterial.


These mushrooms are both fine with alcohol for most people so unlikely the cause unless your wife has a rare insensitivity to the combo.


Mixing mushrooms isn’t an issue other than if you have a reaction you can’t tell which mushroom caused it.


The most likely cause here is possible contamination and/or individual sensitivity it one exasperated by her underlying GI issues. Could help to try each one separately in the future to see which caused it if it’s individual and if neither do you can likely point the finger at contamination or something other than the mushrooms entirely.





윤석열 대통령이 바이든과의 만남 후 한 "국회에서 이XX들이 통과 안 해 주면 바이든은 쪽팔려서 어떡하냐." 라는 막말이 한국은 물론 해외에서도 퍼져 나가고 있습니다.

AFP통신 발 이 기사는 제목이 남한 대통령이 한 미국에 대한 비판적인 hot mic (마이크 커진 줄 모르고 한 말) 이 퍼져 나가고 있다 입니다.


AFP 통신은 이 막말을 영어로 아래와 같이 번역 했습니다.


“How could Biden not lose damn face if these f**kers do not pass it in Congress?”


이 XX들이는 영어로 f**kers로 번역을 했고 쪽 팔려서는 lose damn face로 번역 했습니다.


AFP는 한국의 대통령실에 입장을 물어 봤지만 No Comment 였다고 전했습니다.


Lose face 는 면을 잃다, 체면을 구기다 정도로 해석되는데 여기에 damn을 넣어서 쪽팔리다 라는 의미를 전달했내요.


기사 링크와 전문은 아래에 있습니다.






South Korean president’s hot mic US criticism goes viral

The crude comments appear to refer to Biden's drive to increase US funding to the Global Fund, which would require congressional approval.




Already battling record-low approval ratings, South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol has landed in trouble again after his disparaging remarks about key ally the United States were caught on a hot mic.


이미 기록적인 저조한 지지율을 보이고 있는 남한의 대통령 윤석열이 핵심 우방인 미국에 대한 폄하 발언을 한 hot mic가려져 문제가 되고 있다.


Yoon, a political novice who took office in May, is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, and chatted on Wednesday with Joe Biden during a photo op at the Global Fund where the US President had just pledged $6 billion.


지난 5월 취임한 정치 초보자 윤씨는 유엔 총회를 위해 뉴욕을 방문 중이며 수요일에 미국 대통령이 막 60억 달러를 약속한 글로벌 펀드에서 조 바이든과 사진 촬영을 하는 동안 담소를 나눴다.

“How could Biden not lose damn face if these f**kers do not pass it in Congress?” Yoon was caught saying to his aides afterwards in footage that went viral in South Korea.

윤씨는 이후 한국에서 급속도로 퍼진 영상에서 자신의 측근들에게 이런 말을 하는 것이 포착됐다.

"국회에서 이 XX들이 승인 안 해 주면 바이든은 쪽팔려서 어떡하냐?"


A YouTube video of Yoon’s comments racked up over two million views just hours after it was posted, and “f**kers” became the number one trending topic on Twitter in South Korea on Thursday.


윤씨의 코멘트가 담긴 이 유튜브 영상은 게시된 지 몇 시간 만에 조회수 200만 회를 넘어섰고, 목요일 한국 트위터에서 'f**kers'가 trending topic 에서 1위를 차지했다.


“The president’s words and actions are the national dignity of the country,” one YouTube commenter wrote.


한 유튜브 댓글은 “대통령의 말과 행동이 국가의 존엄이다." 라고 언급했다.


Yoon’s crude comments appear to refer to Biden’s drive to increase US funding to the Global Fund, which would require congressional approval.


윤의 이 거친 발언은 바이든이 의회 승인이 필요한 글로벌 펀드에 대한 미국 자금 지원을 늘리려는 움직임을 가리키는 것으로 보인다.


The United States is South Korea’s key security ally, with Washington stationing about 27,000 troops in the country to help counter nuclear-armed North Korea.


미국은 한국의 주요 안보 동맹국으로, 워싱턴은 핵무장한 북한에 대응하기 위해 약 27,000명의 병력을 한국에 주둔시키고 있습니다.


Yoon, a former prosecutor, has made what analysts describe as a string of unforced errors during his first months in office, which is typically a honeymoon period for new presidents in South Korea.


전직 검사였던 윤은 일반적으로 한국의 신임 대통령에게 주어지는 honeymoon 기간인 취임 첫 달 동안 분석가들이 string of unforced errors라고 표현하는 일련의 실책을 범했다.


At one point, his approval rating dropped to 24 per cent, although it has since inched up to 32 percent.


한때 그의 지지율은 24%로 떨어졌지만 이후 32%까지 올랐다.


His predecessor, Moon Jae-in, enjoyed approval ratings of about 70pc at the same stage in his term, polling data showed, and Yoon started work with 52 percent of people polled thinking he was doing a good job.


여론조사 데이터에 따르면 그의 전임자인 문재인 대통령은 임기 내 같은 단계에서 약 70%의 지지율을 누렸고, 윤 후보는 설문조사에 따르면 임기 시작 할 때 52%의 지지율로 시작했었다.


The hot mic comments come just days after Yoon’s office was forced to defend his decision to skip paying respects to Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin lying in state, allegedly due to “heavy traffic”.


이 hot mic 발언은 윤의 대통령실이 엘리자베스 2세 여왕에 대한 조문을 하지 않기로 한 그의 결정을 "교통체증" 떄문이라고 변호해야 했던 지 며칠 만에 나온 것입니다.


In August, he was also criticised for a chaotic official response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to South Korea, where she landed after a contentious stop in Taiwan.


지난 8월에는 낸시 펠로시 미 하원의장이 논쟁적인 대만 방문 후 한국을 방문 때 official한 대응이 혼란스러웠다는 비판을 받기도 했다.


Yoon’s critics were swift to seize on his latest alleged gaffe.


윤의 이 과실은 비평가들에 의해 빠르게 평가 됐다. 


Yoon’s “foul language tarnishing the US Congress caused a major diplomatic mishap,” said Park Hong-keun, floor leader of the opposition Democratic Party.


야당인 더불어민주당 박홍근 원내대표는 “윤대통령이 미 의회를 더럽히는 욕설이 외교적으로 큰 타격을 입혔다”고 말했다.


Yoon’s office told AFP it had no comment on the incident.


윤의 대통령실은 AFP에 이번 사건에 대해 논평이 없다고 전했다.





웹 어플리케이션을 개발하고 테스팅을 하다보면 문제점들을 발견합니다.

발견한 것을 동료들과 공유하고 이게 결함인지 아닌지 논의 합니다.

그것이 결함(defect)이 맞다면 그거 valid 한 defect 야 이렇게 얘기합니다.


혹은 Legitimate 하다 라고도 하지요.


실제로 일하다가 동료가 이 legitimate을 사용해서 이메일을 보내와서 이 단어를 한번 배워 봅니다.





구글과 네이버 영어 사전 입니다.



그리고 SNS에서 이 단어가 사용된 예도 배워보구요.

MC Hammer 의 2 Legit 2 Quit (Too legit to quit) 의 legit 이 Legitimate의 줄임말이고 이 노래에서는 어떤 의미로 사용 됐는지도 알아봅니다.




AMC 주식이 300% 넘게 올랐다.


이에 앞서 GameStop 은 어제 90% 오르더니 오늘은 130% 상승으로 끝났다.


미국 주식이 미쳤다.


페이스북 미국 주식동호회에서 이런 종목들은 위험하니 2~3년 꾸준히 오를 종목을 선택하라고 조언을 했더니 이런 대답을 들었다.


This isn’t about money with GameStop.



오늘의 영어표현으로 이 페친의 댓글을 골랐다.


영어도 배우고 실제 미국 로빈후드들의 생생한 심경 표현을 들어보세요.



이번 로빈후드의 반란은 reddit 의 wallstreetbets 커뮤니티가 근원인것으로 알려져 있다.

GameStop, AMC, NAKD, NOK, KOSS 등의 종목들을 노리고 있다고 한다.

바람직하지 않은 행동이고 이렇게 인위적으로 급등한 종목들은 조만간 급락이 올 수 밖에 없다.

그 과정에서 많은 개미들이 피해를 볼 것이다.




It is so informative!

아주 유용하다는 의미입니다.


제 페이스북 친구가 제가 올린 글에 댓글을 달면서 사용한 표현입니다.



송이버섯 관련해서 조사한 내용을 올렸더니 아주 유용한 정보라면서 댓글을 썼네요.

덧붙여서 자신이 70년대 초반 서울에 살았었다면서 옛날을 추억하더라구요.


오늘의 표현은


It is so informative!




미국 법원에서 재판에 출두하라는 명령서가 왔다.


작년에 낚시하다가 교통사고를 목격했는데 그 때 주차해 있던 내 차 유리창도 깨져서 출동한 경찰한테 report를 했었다.

그게 작년 5월쯤인가 그랬는데 지금 재판이 열리나 보다.

증인 (Witness)로 오랜다.


그 사이 난 플로리다에서 시애틀이 있는 워싱턴주로 이사왔다.

차 몰고 왔는데 거의 6박 7일쯤 걸린것 같다.

그 거리를 증언 하려고 갈 수는 없다.


담당 법원 직원에게 이메일을 보내서 사정을 얘기했다.

그리고 당시 경찰한테 내 목격담과 피해내용을 적은 statement of facts 도 제출했고 재판에는 그 내용을 참고해 달라고 얘기 했다.


아마 다시 재판에 출석하라는 연락이 오지는 않을 것 같다.


미국 법원으로부터 공문서를 받은 김에 그 내용으로 영어공부를 좀 했다.


자세한 내용은 아래 유튜브 클립 참조.





미국에서 생활하면서 지인들과 대화속에서 유용한 표현들을 많이 배웁니다.

이러한 표현들을 그냥 흘려보내지 않고 제대로 공부하기 위해 유튜브 채널을 하나 만들었습니다.


미지 -US Acquaintance- 영어


2021년 첫번째 주에 알아볼 영어 표현은 In a good/bad way 입니다.


지난 수요일 (6일) 트럼프 지지자들이 미국 국회 의사당에 난입한 사건이 있었죠.


제가 미네소타에 살고 있을 때 알고 지내던 지인 한명이 그 다음날 바로 메세지를 보내왔습니다.


이 메세지 중 History in a bad way yesterday! 라는 문장에서 오늘의 표현이 사용됐습니다.


더 자세한 내용은 제 유튜브 클립을 보시면 나와 있습니다.



이날 사건으로 5명의 미국인이 사망했습니다.


모두 명복을 빌고....


1월 20일 바이든 대통령 취임식날에 또 트럼프 지지자들이 대규모 시위를 할 계획이라고 하는데...

이 날은 이런 불행한 일 없이 모든것들이 평화적으로 진행되었으면 좋겠습니다.



South Korea Targets Dissent - New York Times

2015. 11. 20. 20:54 | Posted by 솔웅


New York Times

South Korea Targets Dissent

Protesters marching to the Presidential House after a rally against government policy in Seoul, South Korea. Credit Ahn Young-Joon/Associated Press

South Koreans can be as proud of their country’s emergence from dictatorship into a vibrant democracy as they are of the rags-to-riches development that made their country a global industrial powerhouse. So it is alarming that President Park Geun-hye appears intent on backtracking on the democratic freedoms that have made South Korea as different from North Korea’s puppet regime as day is from night.

한국인들에게는 독재로부터 활력있는 민주주의를 찾은 것이 넝마쟁이에서 부자로 된 경제발전으로 세계적인 산업 강국이 된 것 만큼 자랑스러워 할 만한 일이다. 이런 이유로, 낮과 밤처럼 확연하게, 북한의 꼭두각시 체제와 한국을 구별해주던 민주주의적 자유를 박근혜 대통령이 퇴행시켜려고 골몰하는 것처럼 보이는 것은 우려스럽다.

Last weekend, tens of thousands of South Koreans took to the streets to protest two repressive government initiatives. One would replace the independently selected history textbooks now available to South Korea’s educators with government-issued textbooks. The other would change labor laws to make it easier for South Korea’s family-controlled business conglomerates to fire workers.

지난주, 수만명의 한국인들이 두가지의 억압적인 정부 조처에 항의하기 위해 거리로 나왔다. 하나는 한국의 교육자들이 스스로 선택할 수 있는 역사 교과서를 정부가 발행하는 교과서로 대체하려는 것이다. 다른 하나는 한국의 족벌 대기업이 노동자들을 더 쉽게 해고할 수 있도록 노동법을 개정하는 것이다.

Ms. Park is also attempting to control criticism and dissent on social media and the Internet. On Saturday, Lee Sir-goo, the co-chief executive of South Korea’s most popular messaging app, stepped down. He is facing criminal charges for failing to prevent teenagers from posting lewd photos, but critics contend the real goal is to punish him for resisting government surveillance efforts and refusing to curb users’ opinions critical of the government.

박 대통령은 또한 소셜미디어와 인터넷에서의 비판이나 반대의견을 통제하려고 시도하고 있다. 지난 토요일에는 한국의 가장 인기있는 메시징 앱(카카오톡)의 공동대표였던 이석우씨가 사임했다. 그는 10대들의 음란물 사진 게시를 막지 못했다는 이유로 기소됐다. 그러나 비판적인 사람들은 정부의 감시 시도에 저항하고, 정부에 비판적인 사용자들의 의견을 제한하기를 거부한 것에 대한 처벌이 (기소의) 진짜 목적이라고 주장한다.

Ms. Park is the daughter of Gen. Park Chung-hee, who was an Imperial Japanese officer in the colonial era and South Korea’s military dictator from 1961 to 1979. Rehabilitating her father’s image appears to be one motivation for making sure South Korea’s students learn a whitewashed version of their country’s history — especially the period when democratic freedoms were seen as an impediment to industrialization.

박 대통령은 식민지시대 일본 제국주의의 장교였으며, 1961년부터 1979년까지 군사독재자였던 박정희 장군의 딸이다. 박 대통령이 학생들에게 한국 역사, 특히 민주주의적 자유가 산업화에 방해물이 되는 것으로 간주되던 시기에 대해 미화된 버전을 가르치게 하려고 한다. 이러한 동기 중의 일부는 그의 아버지에 대한 이미지를 복원시키기 위한 것으로 보인다.

South Korea’s economy has been hit hard this year by an outbreak of MERS respiratory disease and a slowdown in demand from China and other Asian countries. The biggest risk to South Korea’s reputation abroad, however, is not economic but political, chiefly Ms. Park’s heavy-handed attempts to rewrite history and quash dissent.

한국 경제는 올해 메르스 호흡기 질환의 유행과 중국 및 다른 아시아 국가들의 수요 감소로 상당한 타격을 입었다. 그러나 해외에서 한국의 평판에 대한 가장 큰 위험은 경제적인 것이 아니라 정치적인 것으로, 주로 역사를 다시 쓰고 비판자들을 억압하는 박 대통령의 가혹한 조처들이다.




say, “I had to restart the story because ....” instead of, “I rejected the story because....”

say, “I accepted most of the stories except ..... because ......”

ask, “Can you provide test steps for this story?” instead of “I don’t know how to test this story.” 

say, “I tested all the stories and added a few bugs that require immediate attention. I also added a few UI recommendations that can be discussed whenever you have some time.”

say, “Good news! I accepted all the stories and there are no issues. Thanks for all the hard work.”

say, “I added this bug because ......” instead of, “this app/feature is broken.”

is a tester’s gig and not the developer’s. When you identify bugs never show your excitement to the developers.

say, “I am able to reproduce a crash more than once. I added a bug for it along with test steps. Let me know if you are able to reproduce it,” instead of, “The app crashed numerous times and I am not able to test.”

say, “Currently I am working on another application but I can test yours later today or definitely by tomorrow. Let me know if you want any specific story to be tested on priority,” instead of, “I cannot test today, I am blocked. I will let you know when I can start testing.”

say, “The app is designed very well but I found some functional issues and have prioritized the ones that are most important. Can you take a look at it and let me know your thoughts?”

say, “The app does what it is suppose to do and if we can make a few UI changes then it will be ready for a release. Example: ...”




Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku (born January 24, 1947) is an American theoretical physicist, the Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of New York, a futurist, and a communicator and popularizer of science. He has written several books about physics and related topics, has made frequent appearances on radio, television, and film, and writes extensive online blogs and articles. He has written three New York Times Best Sellers: Physics of the Impossible (2008) and Physics of the Future (2011) and the Future of the Mind.

Kaku has hosted several TV specials for the BBC, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and the Science Channel.

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